Multilingual and Multidialectal Approaches: Setting up a research team

Scope of the Project

Revising the We Can Learn Arabic website

  • Switching hosting services (this turned out to me a major summer project, but check out the new look!)
  • Review each text on the website, and deciding whether we should keep it, rerecord it (if it’s one we made), or replace it. 
  • Increasing the diversity of Arabic varieties included on the site
  • Revising the activities to be more individualized for each text

Setting up the research team

Given the scope of the project, I’m very excited to have a research team! As this is also my first experience coordinating multiple teachers and research assistants, and everyone has varying levels of experience with educational research, it’s also taken quite a bit of thought on my part to set it up.  I started with an onboarding checklist, including background reading, research ethics training, administrative training (such as submitting timesheets to get paid), and training in putting texts on the We Can Learn Arabic website (when despite  years of putting these texts up myself I was shocked to discover that there are 60+ steps as you go from identifying a video to putting it on the site).

To organize all of this for everyone, we’ve been using Microsoft Teams.  This is not my favorite product, but it is what UNM provides, so everyone has access.  We can use it to share files, and also track tasks.

While setting up a team is a new and complicated experience, it’s exciting to have six people working on this project, and I’m interested to see where we will go!

Starting the research


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