Organize Your Language Teacher Life
Organize Your Language Teacher Life is a course combining two of my favorite things, language teaching and organizing! If you’re a language teacher with big ideas, but feel like the everyday prep/grading makes it difficult to implement them, or struggle with remembering where exactly you saved/saw that cool video for class, this course may be for you. It focuses on developing systems to manage all the areas of your language teacher life, from lesson prep, to grading, to resource management.

We Can learn Arabic
We Can Learn Arabic is an open access website developed by the Arabic teaching team at the University of New Mexico. It consists of nine thematic units. Each unit has 2-4 targeted Can-Do Statements (e.g. I can meet a new person) with accompanying videos or written texts that show Arabic speakers doing these activities. We use it in our first and second year Arabic classes at the University of New Mexico.

Language Learning in Study Abroad: The Multilingual Turn
Language Learning in Study Abroad: The Multilingual Turn is an edited collection I created with Wenhao Diao from the University of Arizona. The chapters in this book question the common perception of study abroad as an opportunity monolingual immersion, and demonstrate how the negotiation of multilingual resources and identities was key to language learning.

Trello Templates
Trello is a project management software I use to manage various aspects of my life. You can copy my Trello boards to your account to use and adapt them. Look in the “about this board” section to find a link to how I use each board. To learn more about how I use Trello generally, check out the Trello section of my blog.