Tag: assessments

  • Can-Do Assessments: An Update

    Can-Do Assessments: An Update

    In an early post on this blog I talked about making assessments based on what students “can do” with language. This year, as we redo our Intermediate Arabic curriculum, we also decided to have no tests. In some ways, this is just a change in terminology, as we have a week of Can-Do Assessments at…

  • Curriculum Development Part 7: Week 3 Recap, Weeks 4 and 5, Week 6 Planning

    Curriculum Development Part 7: Week 3 Recap, Weeks 4 and 5, Week 6 Planning

    In my last post, I reflected upon the second week, and plans for week 3. As I’m posting every other week, the class is going faster than my blog, so this post will cover a week 3 recap, plans for week 4, the week 4 recap, planning week 5, a week 5 recap, and planning…

  • Curriculum Development Part 1: Choosing Assessment Tasks

    Curriculum Development Part 1: Choosing Assessment Tasks

    As I mentioned last week, the current stage of our curriculum development is creating our own curriculum and materials.  Given time constraints (a constant in teaching!) we are focusing on doing this only in our second year class in the upcoming academic year, and making only minor modifications to the other classes.  With the permission…